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2.449M OP
Proposals Voted62 (14.62%)
For / Against / Abstain54 / 3 / 5
Recent activity0 of 10 last props
Proposals created0
Delegated from13.6k addresses

Delegate Statement

We look forward to leveraging our learnings from other protocols and the deep relationships our team has fostered across DeFi, TradFi, governments, and academics.

GFX has a record of rolling up our sleeves and getting work done. The GFX team has authored half of all successful proposals on Uniswap (including the first cross-chain governance proposal), listed multiple assets and developed the price oracle on Compound, and led efforts at MakerDAO to interface with regulators, lawmakers, and outside researchers. We actively work to find mutual benefits for protocols we cover to collaborate – such as the soon-to-be deployed DAI Direct Deposit Module for MakerDAO to plug directly into Compound.

Delegation to GFX Labs is a delegation to a governance team that is one of the most experienced in DeFi, able to facilitate partnerships, and with a track record of consistent engagement and delivery of results.

GFX Labs isn’t a fund. We don’t hold positions. We are a team of builders who love DeFi. Our participation in governance is rooted in a desire to see DeFi overtake legacy finance. We promise to be active participants. We’ll explain not only when we agree, but most importantly, when we disagree. As first-hand participants in governance, we know how frustrating it is to work on a proposal, receive limited comments, only to have the proposal shot down at launch. Our door will always be open to those who share the passion for DeFi that we have.

My view on the Optimistic Vision: GFX has a passion for building and optimizing protocols and the Web3 ecosystem generally. Our past record shows a commitment to the same ideals expressed in the Optimistic Vision – collaboration, coordination, and democratization of everything Web3.

My view on the first three articles of the Working Constitution:

Article 1: Experimentation is appropriate, but past experience at major protocols suggests experimentation should be done with specific goals in mind. An ability to experiment early on is worthwhile, but needs to be tempered with an ability to commit once a winning formula has been found.

Article 2: A bicameral structure should in theory provide a more robust set of checks and balances, but only to the extent that OP Holder and OP Citizens are representative of differing constituencies. Shaping the criteria for the latter will be very important to get correct.

Article 3: The Foundation-that-decentralizes-over-time model worked quite well for governing the Maker protocol. It will be important to have robust governance processes developed prior to the end of that journey, however, to insure institutional knowledge is retained and best practices continue after full decentralization.

My skills and areas of expertise: GFX staff have experience in DeFi governance, proposal creation & execution, regulatory interface, academic outreach, economics, financial systems & markets, cross-protocol collaboration.

No advanced delegations found

Past Votes

Prop 2588...3208
- 21 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Audit Reviewer

Voted: m4rio.eth, AnthiasLabs with 2.51M votes
AnthiasLabs is a risk and technical contributor at a variety of other protocol governances. M4rio.eth is a security reviewer with more than 100 reviews to date.
Prop 8132...1316
- 21 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Mission Reviewer

Voted: Derbygold.eth, katie, Jrocki, Michael, mastermojo, GFXlabs, MattL, jackanorak, MoneyManDoug, Sov, brichis, Tane with 2.51M votes
GFXlabs, Katie, MattL, Michael, MoneyManDoug, Jackanorak, and Mastermojo are all incumbent Grants Council members. We believe that all of them (which includes ourselves) have done a good job, and retaining experienced members is important for the continued improvement of the Optimism grants process. Tane is a group with technical background and that has been active in governance across several projects. Sov has grants experience from Gitcoin. Jrocki is a former Optimism Foundation employee, and has been engaged with governance. He co-hosts an L2-focused Twitter Spaces with Michael. Derbygold.eth has grants experience from Polygon. Brichis is the current Anticapture Commission lead, and we think moving her to a more active role would better utilize her energy and commitment to Optimism
Prop 7521...6844
- 21 days ago

Grants Council Reviewer Elections: Milestones and Metrics Reviewer

Voted: Juanbug_PGov, mmurthy, v3naru_Curia with 2.51M votes
These are all incumbent Grants Council members. We believe that all of them have done a good job, and retaining experienced members is important for the continued improvement of the Optimism grants process.
Prop 9036...3129
- 21 days ago

Chain Delegation Program Amendment

against with 2.51M votes
This program was not utilized in Season 5, so we don’t see a need for expansion. We also don’t want a large number of new Superchain members to be able to dominate governance decisions on expenditures when they may have varying amount of skin in the game for Optimism mainnet’s success.
Prop 6425...0826
- 21 days ago

Anticapture Commission Amendment

for with 2.51M votes
This mostly clarifies and slightly reduces the scope of duties for the ACC. In particular, it is now clearly stated that the ACC is not required to vote on proposals that are not technical upgrades or subject to Citizen’s House veto, though it may still choose to do so if it prefers.
Prop 8865...1264
- 21 days ago

Season 6: V2. Code of Conduct Council Renewal

for with 2.51M votes
We still think this is too much OP, but at this point require a budget for the Code of Conduct Council to continue operating. We would have preferred a number much closer to the 18,000 OP budget of last season.
Prop 1989...1179
- 21 days ago

Upgrade Proposal #9: Fjord Network Upgrade

for with 2.51M votes
These changes have been reviewed and recommended by OP Labs and Coinbase engineers.
Prop 1414...7673
- 21 days ago

Developer Advisory Board Elections

Voted: devtooligan, wildmolasses, blockdev, noah.eth, alextnetto.eth with 2.51M votes
Blockdev has experience with ZK and security, having done audit work for projects like Blast, LIFI, and zkEVM. Wildmolasses (aka Ed) is a Coinbase engineer who is already a contributor to the OP stack. Devtooligan is a developer with security experience. Alextnetto.eth has significant web2 development experience and currently works with his a team of 10 developers for the web3 company he founded, Blockful. Noah.eth is the Head of Security Reviews at Spearbit.
Prop 4725...2111
- about 1 month ago

Governor Update Proposal #2: Improvements to advanced delegation allowance calculations

for with 2.52M votes
This is a fix for a possible issue where more complex actions with partial delegation would result in the delegate receiving lower voting weight than expected. It also introduces new possible capabilities around sub-delegation.
Prop 1050...1940
- about 1 month ago

Season 6: Code of Conduct Council Renewal

against with 2.52M votes
This council operated with a budget of 18,000 OP last season. The nature of its work means most of the time there are few tasks for the council to do - it only needs to be active when a complaint has been raised. Because of this, payment is mostly a retainer, and not intended to be compensation for large amounts of work.
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